Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Pearl*

The Pearl

Jenny was a pretty girl of five bright-eyed.
 One day while visiting the store with her ​​mother, she saw a plastic pearl necklace that cost $ 2.50.

 How I wished to possess! She asked her mom to buy it, and she said: "Let's make a deal, I will buy you the necklace and when we get home we will list chored you can undertake to pay the necklace, right?".

  Jenny agreed, and her mother bought the pearl necklace.
Jenny worked with enthusiasm every day to meet the tasks.
 She finally paid her debt. Jenny loved her pearls! She wore it everywhere: In kindergarten, to bed, and she left with her mother.
 Jenny had a father who loved her very much.
 When she went to bed, he got up from his favorite chair to read their favorite story.

 One night, when he finished the story, he said, "Jenny, do you love me?".
- "Oh yes Daddy". -
 "So, give me your pearls," he asked.
 "Oh, Daddy! My pearls, no said Jenny.
  But I give you my favorite doll.?
 Do you rembember her?
 Thou you gave me last year for my birthday.
  I'll giver you her outfit too. Okay, Dad?". -
 "Oh, no daughter, okay, Nevermind" and giving him a kiss on the cheek, said: "Good night, little one."

 A week later, his father asked again at the end of the story "Jenny, do you love me ? ". -
 "Oh, yes Dad, you know I love you!" She said. -
 "Give me your pearls Then". - "Oh, Dad my pearls no, but I give you Ribbons, my toy horse.

It's my favorite, feel it is so soft and you can play with it and make braids. "
-" Oh, no daughter..well.. told her dad and kissed her on the cheek. Sweet dreams.

Some days later, when Dad went into his bedroom to read the  story, Jenny was sitting on her bed with trembling lips:" Take it Dad ", and he reached out, opened it and inside was the wanted necklace, which she gave her father.

 "With one hand he took the plastic* pearls and with the other drew from his pocket a small blue velvet box. Inside the box there were genuine beautiful pearls . He had there, waiting for Jenny to give up the trinket to give the true valuable gift."

The same with our Heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up things in our lives worthless for true treasures. Is not the Lord good? This makes me think about things to which I hold and I wonder what God wants to  give me instead?

(Author unknown)

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